Kings Oak
Uniform Bank
Serving the families of Sandwell since 2019
Did you know... a family can spend over £300 on school uniform for one child!
The Children’s Society’s survey from 2015, reveals families are shelling out more on school uniforms with an average of £340 per year for each child at secondary school – an increase of 7% or £24 since 2015. Parents of primary school children spent on average £255, an increase of 2% since 2015. The government pledged three years ago to clamp down on school uniform costs, to make it a legal requirement for schools to put value for money as the top consideration when sourcing school uniforms, but has yet to do so.
The high cost of uniforms can be put down in part to school policies that make parents buy clothing from specialist shops rather than giving them the choice of buying items at cheaper stores such as supermarkets or high-street chains. Where parents have to buy two or more items of school uniform from a specific supplier, spending was found to be an average of £71 per year higher for secondary school children and £77 higher for primary school children.
You Donate Uniform
Have any old uniform lying around, not being used? Then why not donate it to us?
We Wash it and Sort it
We take any uniform, old and new. We wash it and sort it into boxes by size.
We Re-Distribute It
Your donated uniform will then be given to families who can't afford the hefty prices.
We've Re-Branded!
The Kings Oak Uniform Bank was previously known as 'Brandhall Uniform Bank'. We decided to rebrand with a change of name and logo so we could expand to other areas without people being confused and thinking we were limited to residents of the Brandhall Area.
Our previous logo as 'Brandhall Uniform Bank'
This is our brand new logo as 'Kings Oak Uniform Bank'
The school blazer is the most expensive part of the secondary school uniform. Most schools need students to wear their logo on the blazer pocket which is more expensive. So a lot of parents are buying logo cut-outs and then sewing it onto a cheaper blazer brought from the supermarket clothing section. This can save you over £50.
A lot of families have more than one child in education which can make uniform expensive. Most parents buy brand new uniform every year and just chuck the old ones away even if they are in good condition. So if there is no wear and tear just keep them and hand them down to the younger child to use until they're beyond wear.